Unlock the Shortcut to Your Soul

If you’re an astrology enthusiast who would love to understand your birth chart but feel confused, intimidated or overwhelmed by the horoscope wheel, my new step-by-step course teaches you how to decipher the horoscope wheel without confusing graphics or information overload.

Created specifically with your needs in mind, I developed lessons, designed practice sheets and prepared resources that will make it easy for you to make sense of your horoscope (or anyone else’s for that matter!)


🗓 At the end of 3 weeks, you will be:

Completely familiar with the entire layout of your personal horoscope
✅ Well-acquainted with the houses, signs and planetary players in your birth chart
✅ Able to tell exactly where transiting planets, new moons, full moons and eclipses fall in your chart
✅ Capable of applying basic natal principles and predictive influences to your chart
✅ Ready to take advantage of the free resources available online and via social media and podcasts


And once you understand your horoscope,
you’ll no longer be staring at a wheel.
You’ll be gazing into the shortcut to your soul.


🙀 Don’t Miss out! This is the ONLY time I am:

👩🏻‍🏫Teaching this as a live class at this price
🎁 Including a bonus 1:1 review session (15 minutes) with me


Click here for a brief video message from me that includes more details about what to expect from this class, including the format, homework and review session.

ℹ️ Course Information

🗓 Dates: Sundays on June 2 and June 9 and Saturday on June 15*
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
💻 Platform: Zoom (Link will be provided within 24 hours of payment/registration)
💰 Cost: $97.00

*June 16 is Father’s Day – if the class unanimously prefers/agrees to meet that day, it can be accommodate

Class is limited to 20 students.

⚠️ Important Details

😎 Your registration includes lifetime access to the video recording, allowing you to revisit and reinforce the lessons. If you purchase this course and have to miss a class, you will be able to view recording the next day.

📆 All 1:1 bonus review sessions (15 minutes) will take place between June 17 and June 28. I will reach out to you after the first class to schedule you on my calendar. These review sessions are not mini-readings.

‼️Success in any course depends just as much on the student’s efforts (i.e., attend class, complete/submit practice worksheets) as the teacher’s instruction.

‼️There are NO refunds after the Zoom details have been issued.

📧 Need to Get in Touch? Click here to contact me.

Reserve your spot below!

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Birth*
Payment Method*